I will going to camping trip with my school from Saturday 10 Des 2016 till Sunday 11 Des 2016. First I discuss about cooking competition with my friends and  we all prepare for it. We are going to Riau Junction to buy all materials and we spent all of our money to buy all materials. But we enjoyed it because we all have fun.

After that we going to back to each home. When I arrived at home I prepare all of my stuff, among others are jacket, my clothes, my prayer tools, my bath tools, my handphone, and power bank. That's all my stuff that I will bring to camping trip. At last I bring my food, because I'm easily hungry. among others are chip, fried rice, and oreo. Because I like oreo so much I must bring that to everywhere I go.

After all prepared, I'M READY TO GO TO CAMPING TRIP!! I CAN'T WAIT!!


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